Friday, July 26, 2013
Solving ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord in Rails 3
When you pass an SQL fragment to a finder, join or named scope, ActiveRecord returns read-only results by default.
Use readonly(false) in your queries to force that results are writable. Ex:
(Rails 3)
User.joins("INNER JOIN `cars` ON `cars`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` AND `cars`.`colour` = 'electric blue'").readonly(false)
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Backup with Duplicity and Rackspace Cloud Files
Duplicity is a Linux tool for making backups of files an folders
- supports full and incremental backups
- supports encryption, by using GPG. ( You can have unnencrypted backups as well )
- supports for many kinds of storage scp, rsync, Amazon S3 or Rackspace Cloud Files
My current setup is to make daily incremental backups and store them into Rackspace Cloud Files.
Once a fortnight you can do a full backup, and clean older backups (30 days old).
To use other storages you only need to change the last part of this guide.
During this article:
- Machine L is your local and personal machine. L == local
- Machine B is the machine with the data that we want to backup. B == backedup. Duplicity runs in this machine. I use Ubuntu 12.04 here.
- Machine S is the remote machine where we'll store the backup. S == storage
Step 1: Generate the encryption keys
We'll generate the keys in our local machine and export them to backup machine( from )
We'll need two gpg keys for our backups
- encryption key : the encryption key is used to protect the data in the backup files from snooping on the backup server
- signature key : the signature key is used to ensure the integrity of the backup files.
The private key for the signature key must be available to duplicity when it runs. Duplicity also requires the passphrase for the signing key be either entered manually or stored in an environment variable. (that means in the Machine B) If our encryption key and signature key are the same, then a compromise of the server means a compromise of the backed up data as well. We'll therefore use separate encryption and signature keys.
In your local machine, Machine L
sudo apt-get install gnupg
generate encyption key
(in your local Machine L)gpg --gen-key
(and pick the default options: RSA & RSA + 4096 + never expires)
passphrase: this is the encryption passphrase
with a result of
gpg: key 5A87AAB8 marked as ultimately trusted
public and secret key created and signed.
Do the same to generate your signature key, use a different paraphrase.
(in your local Machine L)
generate signature key
gpg --gen-key(and pick the default options: RSA & RSA + 4096 + never expires)
passphrase: this is the sign passphrase
gpg: key 927AE728 marked as ultimately trusted
public and secret key created and signed.
To check that everything went well:
gpg --list-keys && gpg --list-secret-keys
pub 4096R/5A87AAB8 2013-07-07
uid backuper-encrypt (Backup with duplicity)
sub 4096R/11122AE7 2013-07-07
pub 4096R/927AE728 2013-07-07
uid backuper-signature (Signature with duplicity)
sub 4096R/10E7002A 2013-07-07
sec 4096R/5A87AAB8 2013-07-07
uid backuper-encrypt (Backup with duplicity)
ssb 4096R/11122AE7 2013-07-07
sec 4096R/927AE728 2013-07-07
uid backuper-signature (Signature with duplicity)
ssb 4096R/10E7002A 2013-07-07
trust your keys before exporting
Now we are going to trust the keys before exporting them.gpg --edit-key 927AE728
> trust
> 5
> save
gpg --edit-key 5A87AAB8
> trust
> 5
> save
and sign keys
gpg --sign-key 927AE728
gpg --sign-key 5A87AAB8 (not sure if this one is needed)
Once both keys have been created you need to export and copy the public encryption and private signature keys to the Machine B the safest way to do this is SCP/SSH ( (you'll need ssh access). You MUST keep safe and private the private encryption key and its paraphrase.
(in your local Machine L)
change the ip for the Machine B
cd /tmp
gpg --export -a 5A87AAB8 >
gpg --export-secret-keys -a 927AE728 > backup.sig.sec.gpg
gpg --export-ownertrust >
scp backup.sig.sec.gpg bob@
rm backup.*
Import keys in the backup server
Our backups are handled by root (full access to everything, and to keep signature passphrase private) so we need to configure duplicity logged as root in the Machine B.(in machine b)
sudo su
sudo apt-get install gnupg
cd /tmp
gpg --import /tmp/backup.sig.sec.gpg /tmp/
gpg --import-ownertrust /tmp/
rm backup.*
Verify the keys were imported correctly. Check that the ID's are correct. The private encryption key was not transferred, so we expect only one entry for the secret keys.
gpg --list-keys && gpg --list-secret-keys
pub 4096R/927AE728 2013-07-07
uid backuper-signature (Signature with duplicity)
pub 4096R/5A87AAB8 2013-07-07
uid backuper-encrypt (Backup with duplicity)
sec 4096R/927AE728 2013-07-07
uid backuper-signature (Signature with duplicity)
Note: If you didnt used the import ownertrust, trust the private key ( in case of untrusted key errors while running duplicity )
gpg --edit-key 927AE728
> trust
> 5
> save
Step 2: configure duplicity to use Cloud Files
Install duplicity. I use the latest version, which is not included by default in Ubuntu. I prefer to add a ppa for it and run the install via apt.sudo apt-get -y install python-software-properties && sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:duplicity-team/ppa && sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -y install duplicity python-paramiko
Adding cloudfiles support
This step is only required if you are going to store backups on Rackspace Cloud Files. You'll find a lot more tutorials for using Amazon S3 .To store backups in a remote server via scp or rsync it is even easier, and you did the hard part Jump to next step.
There are 2 ways of using cloudfiles, I use the new pyrax API. The old python-cloudfiles is now deprecated. Choose what works best for you.
option A ) using the new pyrax API
it is the official way, but as of July'13 it requires more manual tunningsudo apt-get -y install python-pip python-dev build-essential
yes | sudo pip install pyrax && yes | sudo pip uninstall keyring
sudo apt-get -y install duplicity python-paramiko gnupg
In July'13 teh backend needed for pyrax is missing in duplicity. Then we need to copy the new backend ourselves (at the present the backend for cfpyrax+http:// is missing). A backend is a 'module' that tells duplicity how to work with a storage like scp, rsync, s3, etc.
(remember we are root)
cd /tmp
sudo chown root:root
sudo mv /usr/share/pyshared/duplicity/backends/
sudo ln -s /usr/share/pyshared/duplicity/backends/ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/duplicity/backends/
python -m compileall /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/duplicity/backends
(in my machine B it was on python2.7/dist-packages, in yours, you can make a `sudo find / -name backends` to find where to link to )
these steps enable duplicity to understand the scheme cfpyrax+http://
Note that it uses https even the scheme reads just http.
option B) using the deprecated python-cloudfiles api
sudo apt-get -y install python-stdebsudo pypi-install python-cloudfiles
sudo apt-get -y install duplicity python-paramiko
these installs enable duplicity to understand the scheme cf+http://
Note that it uses https even the scheme reads just http.
Step3: script for making the backups
In machine B, we set a cron task that runs daily. It runs as root and uses duplicity to make a backup and copy it to Cloud Files (or the destination Machine S)A base script for cloud files could be
export CLOUDFILES_USERNAME=my_username export CLOUDFILES_APIKEY=4534534543543sd43434546456 export CLOUDFILES_REGION="ORD"
#required for duplicity
export PASSPHRASE="passphrase for the sign key" export SIGN_PASSPHRASE="passphrase for the sign key"
options="--full-if-older-than 15D --volsize 250 --exclude-other-filesystems --sign-key 927AE728 --encrypt-key 5A87AAB8" duplicity $options /var/log cfpyrax+http://${CLOUD_CONTAINER} unset PASSPHRASE unset SIGN_PASSPHRASE unset CLOUDFILES_APIKEY
Note how duplicity is instructed to use the 2 keys and you pass the passhphrase of the signing key (this is safe since you need the private key of the encryption key AND its passphrase)
Duplicity generates 3 files (data, metadata and signature) each time it runs. These files will appear in your Cloud Files container.
As we are using the Cloud Files pyrax API, we use a cfpyrax+http:// uri. Change the usri scheme to cf+http:// for the old API.
If you back up to a server via scp or rsync change this remote uri accordingly.
For amazon, read this.
To avoid your backups grows too much,, add something like this at the end of the script
# Delete duplicity backups older than 30 days.
duplicity remove-older-than 30D --sign-key 927AE728 --encrypt-key 5A87AAB8 cfpyrax+http://${CLOUD_CONTAINER}
Verify the encryption.
To check that everything went well, we can tell duplicity to check the status of the backup. We can do if from our machine B and the command to use is:(emember to export all the cloudfiles variables first, as in the previous script)
duplicity collection-status --sign-key 927AE728 --encrypt-key 5A87AAB8 cfpyrax+http://${CLOUD_CONTAINER}
It will list all your backups and a comforting "No orphaned or incomplete backup sets found"
Testing the recovery
We need the private encryption key and its passphrase. Remember that we kept it in our private Machine L. If you lost them, you wont be able to recover your backup.Move to your local Machine where private keys are available, and install duplicity (and the support for Cloud Files: step 2).
To do a restore, you need to run the duplicity command with the restore option. You will be prompted for a passhphrase. This time use the encryption passhphrase.
The command is
duplicity [restore] [options] source_url target_dir
but 'restore' is optional. Duplicity knows that we are restoring since the remote url comes before a local directory. When the url is the last parameter, duplicity does a backup.
#/bin/bash # note, to run this script you need to have imported the PRIVATE KEY used for encryption # gpg --import /tmp/backup.sig.sec.gpg /tmp/ # and you must know the passphrase for the encryption key DST_FOLDER=/tmp/restored_files mkdir -p $DST_FOLDER CLOUD_CONTAINER="bob_backup" #required for CLOUD FILES SUPPORT export CLOUDFILES_USERNAME=my_username export CLOUDFILES_APIKEY=4534534543543sd43434546456 export CLOUDFILES_REGION="ORD" # no passphrase provided, so we'll be asked interactively options="--sign-key 927AE728 --encrypt-key 5A87AAB8 --volsize 250" duplicity $options cfpyrax+http://${CLOUD_CONTAINER} $DST_FOLDER unset CLOUDFILES_APIKEY
The verify command is another useful command (in this Machine L)
duplicity verify [options] source_url target_dir
Step 4) Finishing
Just remember to keep your encryption key & passphrase safe, and to check on a regular basis your backups.Sources
for integration with cloud files
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