Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rails: The power of 'inverse_of'

There is a 'less known' feature of ActiveRecord associations that is very handy: the ability of marking an association as the mirror of another :inverse_of

The best is to rescue an example from the oficial documentation

class Dungeon < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :traps, :inverse_of => :dungeon
  has_one :evil_wizard, :inverse_of => :dungeon

class Trap < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :dungeon, :inverse_of => :traps

class EvilWizard < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :dungeon, :inverse_of => :evil_wizard
dungeon = Dungeon.first
wizard = dungeon.evil_wizard 

In a normal configuration, doing wizard.dungeon will hit the database and instantiate a new 'dungeon' (2 instances of the same object). 
With :inverse_of , Active record is aware of the relation and will use the same instance in memory. This has 2 benefits:
- we save a DB call
- as both 'dungeons' are the same instance, modifications on dungeon are seen from wizard (an the otehr way around)
Without :inverse_of , a modification on dungeon, is not seen by wizard.dungeon what can lead to subtle errors.
+1 for :inverse_of 


  1. What's the point of specifying inverse_of for "has_many <-> belongs_to" association? Aren't they ignored anyway?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In Rails 4.1 and later they're automatically inferred as long as you don't use class_name or foreign_key. But ... if you do have a more complex belongs_to or has_many then you will need to set inverse_of.

    Here's a video that has a kinda complex relationship with two foreign keys between a couple models, so it does require explicitly setting the inverse_of. An RSpec test is written to first show that object_ids are different, and then after adding inverse_of they end up to be the same:


  4. In Rails 4.1 and later they're automatically inferred as long as you don't use class_name or foreign_key. But ... if you do have a more complex belongs_to or has_many then you will need to set inverse_of.

    Here's a video that has a kinda complex relationship with two foreign keys between a couple models, so it does require explicitly setting the inverse_of. An RSpec test is written to first show that object_ids are different, and then after adding inverse_of they end up to be the same:


  5. In Rails 4.1 they're automatically inferred as long as you don't use class_name or foreign_key. But ... if you do have a more complex belongs_to or has_many then you will need to set inverse_of.

    Here's a video that has a kinda complex relationship with two foreign keys between a couple models, so it does require explicitly setting the inverse_of. An RSpec test is written to first show that object_ids are different, and then after adding inverse_of they end up to be the same:


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